
Handheld scanners

Scanner Zebra DS4608

Scanner Zebra DS4608
The DS4608 mid-range scanner is designed to increase productivity in barcode scanning. This 2D handheld scanner is designed primarily for retail, healthcare, offices and production. Available in corded version only.   The DS4608 scanner is ideal for customer applications such as mobile vouchers, loyalty programs, where is the requirement to read barcodes directly from the display. It can also be used in stores as an auxiliary hand-held scanner at cash desks. The DS4608 can also be used in healthcare for drug management, patient admission, identification and verification, where it helps increase workflow efficiency.   In a production environment, the DS4608 can read virtually all types of barcodes, from small, compressed codes on components to DPM codes implemented directly on products. A set of DataCapture DNA tools for productivity and appli cation development is available for the DS4600. This simplifies the integration, deployment and management of Zebra devices.
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Scanner Zebra DS2200

Scanner Zebra DS2200
DS22xx Imagers are reliable scanners from a lower price group. They are available in two versions, as a corded scanner (DS2208) or a cordless scanner (DS2278).These imagers are designed primarily for lighter operations, shops and offices.   The scanners are also suitable if you need to read barcodes directly from the display of mobile devices.With their low weight and small dimensions, they will fit exactly in your hand and will not tire you.   Corded DS2208 weighs less than 162g. The cordless version is a bit heavier thanks to the powerful battery used, it weighs 214g.The battery can keep the scanner running outside the charging base for up to 84 hours at normal load (reading 10 barcodes in 10s and then a 50s pause).
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Scanner Honeywell Xenon XP 1950

Scanner Honeywell Xenon XP 1950
The Xenon XP 1950g offers superior scan performance, easily capturing even the most difficult-to-read or damaged barcodes. Engineered to 50 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5 m (1.6 ft), and with an IP41 ingress rating for water and dust, the Xenon XP 1950g scanner delivers class-leading durability.   This significantly reduces scanner downtime and service costs, leading to a longer lifecycle and a lower total cost of ownership. Xenon XP 1950 series scanners are optimized for scanning both digital codes off customer smartphones and merchandise codes by the cashier at the register.
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Scanner Honeywell Eclipse™ 5145

Scanner Honeywell Eclipse™ 5145
single-line laser scanner. The 5145 Eclipse™ is a single-line, hand-held laser scanner. Honeywell’s patented CodeGate® technology allows the user to easily target the desired bar code and complete data transmission with a simple press of a button, making Eclipse a perfect selection for menu scanning, point-of-sale, document processing and inventory control. Eclipse 5145 scanner Features and Benefits: CodeGate®: Ideal for menu scanning applications CodeSense®: Automatically switches from “pulse mode” to continuous beaming when a bar code is detected Powerlink cables: Uses the same user-replaceable cables and power supplies as Voyager® and Orbit® Flash ROM: Update firmware from any PC via MetroSet2® software provided by Honeywell OPOS and JPOS system compatible: Easily adaptable to any end-user system environment  
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Scanner Honeywell Fusion 3780

Scanner Honeywell Fusion 3780
Honeywell's Fusion® 3780 laser barcode scanner combines omnidirectional and single-line laser scanning into a lightweight and ergonomic hand-held form factor. The Fusion 3780 scanner's automatic stand detection allows users to seamlessly switch from hand-held to presentation scanning. The 20-line scan pattern provides superior scanning over existing single-line scanners, making the Fusion laser scanner ideal for medium-volume retailers including specialty stores, pharmacies, liquor stores and convenience stores.  
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Scanner Honeywell Granit 1910i/1911i

Scanner Honeywell Granit 1910i/1911i
Odolný prùmyslový 2D snímaè. Prùmyslový snímaè Granit 191xi je postaven na stejné platformì a základní architektuøe jako Honeywell Xenon. Dodává se v kabelové verzi (1910i) nebo jako bezdrátový (1911i). Obsahuje všechny technologické novinky a dosahuje výkonnosti srovnatelné s Xenonem a navíc lépe ète nekvalitní a poškozené èárové kódy. Rychlé a pøesnìjší ètení èárového kódu podporuje zvýšení produktivity zamìstnancù a snižuje riziko chyb pøi ruèním zadávání. Jasný zamìøovací køíž viditelný z libovolného úhlu umožòuje snadnou a rychlou kontrolu zamìøení èárového kódu i na dlouhé vzdálenosti. Hlasitìjší zvuková signalizace snímání je slyšet i v rušném prostøedí. Powered by Adaptus Honeywell 6.0 zobrazovací technologie a jeho revoluèní dekódovací architektura poskytuje uživatelùm výjimeèné schopnosti ètení (nejlepší ve své tøídì). Granit je ideálním øešením pro ètení špatnì vytištìných nebo poškozených kódù i kódù s nízkou hustotou. Granit 1911i je vybaven Bluetooth® Class 1 v2.1 radiem. To umožòuje bezdrátové pøipojení a neomezený pohyb až do vzdálenosti 100 m od základny. Je vytvoøen speciálnì pro aplikace, které vyžadují vysoce výkonné skenování. S technologií Shift - PLUS dosahuje s baterií Li-Ion 2000 mAh až 14 hodin provozu. Výhodou je snadná montáž a demontáž kabelu (model Granit 1910i) a lehce dostupná baterie. Multi-rozhraní s automatickou detekcí rozhraní usnadòuje zaèlenìní snímaèe do systému. Vlastnosti: Rychlejší ètení kódù Delší vzdálenosti ètení Pracuje za všech svìtelných podmínek Software Remote Mastermind pro vzdálenou správu: poskytuje rychlé a pohodlné øešení pro IT správce øídit všechny skenery v rámci jejich sítì z jednoho vzdáleného místa. Odolnost proti pádùm - vydrží 5000 pádù z výšky 1m nebo 50 pádù z výšky 2m na beton i pøi extrémních teplotách Krytí IP65 zabraòuje prùniku prachu a vody Nejvyšší hodnocení odolnosti ve své tøídì
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Scanner Honeywell Hyperion 1300g

Scanner Honeywell Hyperion 1300g
Honeywell's Hyperion 1300g linear-imaging barcode scanner features an ideal balance of performance, best-in-class durability and ergonomics to provide years of hassle-free scanning, especially in scan-intensive or light industrial applications. Fast intuitive reading of 13 mil barcodes out to 18 inches (457 mm), as well as reading of high density barcodes as small as 3 mil are both enabled in a single linear imager, eliminating the need to purchase specialty scanners. Get the most out of the Hyperion linear imager with compatible Remote MasterMind® scanning management software.  
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 95X0

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 95X0
Honeywell's Voyager® 9520 and VoyagerCG® 9540 hand-held, single-line laser scanners feature patented automatic infrared activation and can decode all standard 1D barcodes, including GS1 DataBar™. The VoyagerCG hand-held barcode scanner also includes CodeGate® technology for menu scanning applications. CodeGate zeroes in on the desired code and completes barcode data transmission with the push of a single button.  
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1200g

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1200g
   Built on the platform of the world’s best-selling single-line laser scanner, Honeywell’s Voyager® 1200g delivers aggressive scan performance on virtually all linear bar codes, including poor quality and damaged codes. Updated object detection, and automatic in-stand detection and configuration enable class-leading presentation scanning that maximizes throughput. Superior scan performance matched with a reliable design combine to provide a versatile linear scanning solution. Outstanding scan performance on poor quality and damaged bar codes maintains productivity by providing a worry-free linear scanning solution that minimizes the need for manual data entry Class-leading presentation scanning increases throughput by providing object detection and automatic in-stand detection and configuration Superior out-of-box experience simplifies set up with tool-free stand assembly; automatic in-stand detection and configuration; and automatic interface detection and configuration Contemporary, ergonomic design ensures operator comfort and productivity by incorporating an integrated finger groove in a sleek, lightweight industrial design that fits well in most hands CodeGate® technology enables users to ensure that the desired bar code is scanned before transmitting data, making the scanner ideal for use in menu scanning applications Multi-interface design minimizes costs by delivering support for USB, keyboard wedge, and RS232 interfaces in a single scanner   Outstanding scan performance on poor quality and damaged bar codes      Bar code targeting by CodeGate® technology       Do you want a durable laser scanner? This is it...  
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1202g

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1202g
   Honeywell’s Voyager™ 1202g single-line laser scanner incorporates the freedom of Bluetooth® wireless technology and offers a field-replaceable battery that can be quickly and easily exchanged. The new 1202g delivers the aggressive linear bar code scanning that users have come to expect from the world-renowned Voyager family of scanners.   Bluetooth® Wireless Technology: Facilitates scanning of all standard 1D bar codes 10 meters (33 feet) or more away from the base, depending on the user’s environment Long Battery Life and Tool-Free Battery Removal: The user-preferred Lithium ion battery provides 12 hours or more of use, depending on scanning volume, and the field-replaceable battery can be exchanged quickly and easily, without the use of tools Automatic Interface Configuration: Supports all popular interfaces in one device, replacing the time consuming process of scanning programming bar codes with automatic interface detection and configuration Excellent Poor Quality Code Reading: Increases throughput and reduces the potential for hand-keyed errors by quickly scanning a variety of 1D bar codes, including those that are damaged or smudged Paging Functionality: Simply press the button on the base to locate your lost scanner; Voyager 1202g responds with a series of beeps and blinking lights on its indicator panel Remote MasterMind™ Ready: Reduces total cost of ownership by providing a turnkey remote device management solution that easily manages and tracks usage of installed devices     Outstanding scan performance on poor quality and damaged bar codes      Bar code targeting by CodeGate® technology       Do you want a durable laser scanner? This is it...  
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1202g-bf

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1202g-bf
Honeywell's Voyager™ 1202g-bf single-line laser scanner incorporates breakthrough battery-free technology, offering the freedom of Bluetooth® wireless technology without the maintenance hassle, long recharge time, or environmental disposal issues associated with traditional batteries. Built on the proven Voyager platform, the 1202g-bf delivers aggressive linear bar code scanning performance—even on poor quality or damaged bar codes.          
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1250g

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1250g
   Honeywell’s Voyager 1250g single-line laser scanner provides a superior out-of-box experience and aggressive reading of linear bar codes, including those up to 23 inches away. For users that require hands-free scanning, the easy-to-assemble Voyager 1250g stand increases throughput by incorporating automatic in-stand detection. Ease of use: Simplify set up with quick and easy stand assembly; ergonomic design reduces user fatigue in scan-intensive applications. Increases throughput: Extended depth of field makes an easy task of scanning out-of-reach items; provides true object detection and automatic in-stand detection and configuration. Remote MasterMind: Lowers total cost of ownership by up to 60% by reducing technician travel time and expenses; scanner updates and diagnostics are able to be performed by one person in a single location.     Outstanding scan performance on poor quality and damaged bar codes      Bar code targeting by CodeGate® technology       Do you want a durable laser scanner? This is it...  
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Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1602g

Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1602g
The Voyager 1452g allows enterprises to embrace area-imaging at their own pace, and in the most cost-effective manner. Built on the platform of Honeywell’s world-renowned Voyager series of handheld scanners, the Voyager 1452g delivers omnidirectional reading of linear bar codes, plus the ability to affordably upgrade the device to enable PDF and 2D bar code scanning—either at the time of purchase, or as data capture needs evolve. Incorporating a Bluetooth® Class 2 radio, the Voyager 1452g has a wireless range of up to 10 meters (33 feet) from the base.  
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Scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900

Scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900
Area-Imaging Scanner. Xenon 1900, Honeywell’s sixth-generation of area-imaging technology,is redefining the standard for hand-held scanners. Featuring a custom sensor that is optimized for bar code scanning, Xenon 1900 offers industry-leading performance and reliability for a wide variety of applications that require the versatility of area-imaging technology. Powered by Adaptus® Imaging Technology 6.0, Xenon 1900 delivers superior bar code scanning and digital image capture. Xenon 1900 incorporates a revolutionary decoding architecture that combines Adaptus Imaging Technology 5.5 and Omniplanar’s SwiftDecoder™ software along with a custom sensor, enabling extended depth of field, faster reading, and improved scanning performance on poor quality bar codes. From high density linear to 2D bar codes found directly on the screen of a mobile device, Xenon 1900 decodes virtually all bar codes with ease. A new space-saving design that mounts critical components on a single board eliminates the need for connectors. A more reliable design with fewer components minimizes downtime and improves serviceability, resulting in increased productivity. Its small form factor ensures that the Xenon 1900 fits well in virtually any sized hand, reducing operator fatigue. Built with durability in mind, Xenon 1900 can withstand up to 50 drops to concrete from distances as high as 6 feet. An IP41-rating provides added protection. With a solid-state design backed by a five-year warranty, Xenon 1900 is constructed to deliver years of uninterrupted performance. Features: Custom Sensor Optimized for Bar Code Scanning: Improves scanning aggressiveness and protects investment by providing supply chain stability Multiple Focal Options: Three focal options (high density, standard range and extended range) provide application-specific scanning, leading to improved productivity Optional Disinfectant-Ready Housing: Protects investment with durable construction that is better able to resist the harmful effects of harsh chemicals Image Processing Software: Offers advanced editing functionality—cropping, brightening, rotating, sharpening and more—to produce high-quality digital images TotalFreedom™ 2.0: Second-generation development platform enables the loading and linking of multiple applications on the scanner to enhance image processing, decoding or data formatting functionality, eliminating the need for host system modifications Remote MasterMind™ Scanner Management Software: Provides a quick and convenient solution for IT administrators seeking to manage all scanners within their network from a single remote location
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Scanner Honeywell Xenon Ultra 1960/1962

Scanner Honeywell Xenon Ultra 1960/1962
The Xenon Ultra for retail is a premium evolution of the widely known legacy Xenon and Xenon XP general purpose scanners, taking our industry-leading scan performance and reliability one step further. The Xenon Ultra 1960g incorporates Honeywell’s next generation of scanning capability – allowing retailers to stay productive and keep customer service as their top priority. With optional dual-camera extended range (XR) models, retailers can use the scanner for both up-close and extended, bottom-of-the-basket scanning.   Available in a cordless Bluetooth configuration which offers premium accessory upgrades such as interchangeable power sources, contactless charging and magnetic retention capabilities.
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Scanner Honeywell Xenon XP 1950g/1952g

Scanner Honeywell Xenon XP 1950g/1952g
Corded Area-Imaging Scanner Delivering excellent customer service is your mission, and providing lasting impressions for your loyal customers driven by fast, accurate, and friendly checkout experiences is critical. Empower your cashiers to deliver on your mission and commitment to provide excellent customer service experiences with the Honeywell Xenon™ Extreme Performance (XP) series. The Xenon XP 195xg scanner offers superior scan performance, easily capturing even the most difficult-to-read or damaged barcodes.Engineered to 50 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5 m (1.6 ft), and with an IP41 ingress rating for water and dust, the Xenon XP 1950g scanner delivers class-leading durability. This significantly reduces scanner downtime and service costs, leading to a longer lifecycle and a lower total cost of ownership. Designed for retail e nvironments that demand high-accuracy scanning, whether at a distance, or even on damaged barcodes, the Xenon XP 195xg scanner reduces strain on the associate – decreasing the need to bend to reach barcodes on the bottom shelf or bottom of the basket. The Xenon XP 195xg is available in Black or Lyric White models to match the scanner to your environment, and an available vibration mode ensures your associates get scanner feedback regardless of their surroundings.
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Snímaè Honeywell Voyager 1400g

Snímaè Honeywell Voyager 1400g
2D bar codes are becoming increasingly popular across a wide range of industries for a number of reasons. Some enterprises have a desire to capture large amounts of data, despite space constraints, while others are being required to read 2D bar codes due to government regulations or supplier mandates. And an even larger group of enterprises simply have the desire to leverage emerging trends that require area-imaging technology, today or in the future, without needing to purchase additional scanning hardware. Enterprises that recognize the importance of upgrading to area- imaging scanners are generally unwilling to accept a decline in scan performance. They are also looking for a solution that is capable of reading traditional paper-based bar codes, as well as bar codes found on alternative mediums, such as mobile phone screens. Built on the platform of Honeywell’s world-renowned Voyager series of hand-held linear scanners, the Voyager 1400g delivers omnidirectional reading of linear bar codes, plus the ability to affordably upgrade the device to enable PDF and 2D bar code scanning—at the time of purchase or as scanning needs evolve. Performing at speeds that are comparable to laser-based scanners, the versatile and reliable Voyager 1400g can be customized to meet current and future scanning needs, lowering the total cost of ownership. 
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Snímaè Honeywell Voyager 1470g/1472g

Snímaè Honeywell Voyager 1470g/1472g
Designed for in-store retail environments requiring a highly accurate 2D scanning solution in a durable form factor, the Voyager™ Extreme Performance (XP) 1470g scanner delivers industry-leading scanning capability on traditional barcodes and digital screens – even on damaged and difficult-to-read codes. With better durability and a more powerful scan capability than previous models – or any competitive scanner in its class – the Voyager XP 1470g scanner is the perfect option for workflows that include 1D and 2D barcode reading and require a more robust and reliable solution. The Voyager XP 1470g scanner combines added durability and better scan capability at the same competitive price point as its predecessor. The scanner’s extended scan distance will reach right to the bottom of the cart without bending and wasted time a t the checkout. Built on the platform of Honeywell’s iconic Voyager series handheld scanners, the Voyager XP 1470g scanner is fully backward-compatible with existing Voyager accessories, reducing total cost of ownership.Engineered to 30 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) and 1,000 tumbles at 0.5 m (1.6 ft), the Voyager XP 1470g scanner is built to withstand busy point-of sale scanning with much better accuracy than comparable solutions.
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Scanner Zebra 3600

Scanner Zebra 3600
Zebra’s 3600 Series features the highest drop, tumble and sealing specifications in the industry in order to deliver unstoppable performance. Regardless of your data capture application, the 3600 series has a model to meet your needs.   LI3608/LI3678 - ADVANCED 1D BARCODE CAPTURE The practically indestructible 1D LI3608 corded and LI3678 cordless scanners are ready for the world’s toughest environments — the warehouse and manufacturing floor.   DS3608-SR/DS3678-SR - 1D/2D STANDARD RANGE BARCODE CAPTURE Designed to capture virtually any barcode from near contact to an arm’s length away, these scanners are loaded with features that deliver truly unstoppable performance, redefining reliability and management simplicity.   DS3608-HP/DS3678-HP - SUPERIOR CAPTURE OF BARCODES, PHOTOS Flexible superior capture of 1D/2D barcodes, photos, signatures, OCR data and documents — complete with processing to provide a sharp, legible image.   DS3608-HD/DS3678-HD - HIGH DENSITY BARCODE CAPTURE Advanced capture of high-density 1D/2D barcodes common in electronics manufacturing.   DS3608-DP/DS3678-DP - DIRECT PART MARKS AND BARCODES Advanced capture of direct part marks (DPM) common in aeronautics and automotive manufacturing, where end-to-end traceability of all components is required.   DS3608-ER/DS3678-ER - EXTENDED-RANGE BARCODE CAPTURE Advanced long range capture of 1D/2D barcodes, from near contact to the top shelf of a warehouse rack.
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Scanner Zebra CS4070

Scanner Zebra CS4070
Motorola CS4070 is a pocket scanner built on basics of CS3000 with imager, possible to read 1D and 2D barcodes. And tablet operating systems support the elegant and highly-intuitive graphics-based applications today’s users expect. And just positioning the tablet to scan a bar code is awkward and uncomfortable. Introducing the wireless bluetooth Cs4070 Companion scanner, the little device that provides the enterprise-class scanning technology and scanning ergonomics that are missing in your tablets, laptops, smartphones and other devices that are not designed with intensive bar code scanning in mind.  Resets the bar for 2D imaging, allowing workers to capture 1D and 2D bar codes with laser-style speed and accuracy for first-time every time split second capture of bar codes in virtually any condition. 
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Scanner Zebra LI2208

Scanner Zebra LI2208
 The new Motorola LI2208 linear imager enriched the big family of 1D sensors. It represents a new generation of scanning 1D and builds on one of the most popular scanners at all, LS2208. It has the same reliability and ergonomics as LS2208. With advanced features such as extended operating range and support for reading bar codes from mobile phone displays, tablets or computers is one of the best in the class of linear imagers. It provides unrivaled scanning performance in reading of each bar code. The pleasant is its very low weight of just 140 grams. It supports all the basic interface: USB, RS232, Keyboard Wedge, and IBM 485. It is compatible with 123Scan2 and Scanner Management Service (SMS). With this Reducing the time and cost of management from initial configuration to everyday management. Key features and benefits Excellent performance scanning 1D Scans almost all 1D bar codes on any surface including displays of mobile phones, tablets or computers. Top operating range - 13 miles UPC codes reads from 2.5 cm to 76 cm Patented construction on a single board - maximizes service life Support for more than 90 international keyboards Compatible with 123Scan2 and Scanner Management Service (SMS)  
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Scanner Zebra LI4278

Scanner Zebra LI4278
 The LI4278 takes 1D bar code scanning to the next level, allowing workers to scan faster and farther as they can capture virtually any 1D bar code. Built for all day and everyday use, the LI4278 offers cordless freedom with Bluetooth compatibility. It also offers better encryption for improved security and better overall wireless performance. The LI4278 is backward compatible with its key accessory — the cradle — which works with its cousins, the LS4278 and DS6878. Superior battery power management delivers the largest number of scans per battery charge to support scan intensive applications. You can use it in dusty and wet environments and it can survive a 6 foot/1.8 m drop. Excellent 1D scanning performance Delivers superior scanning speed and a wide data capture range Captures virtually all 1D bar codes on any surface — including mobile phone displays Capture labels printed on traditional paper labels as well as mobile bar codes that may be displayed on a mobile phone, tablet or computer screen Wide working range Reads UPC barcodes from 1 in./2.54 cm to 30 in./76.2 cm as well as high density codes at extended ranges for application flexibility Superior motion and angular tolerance Bar codes can be captured faster, and there is no need to pause between scans or align scanner and bar code Built-in rechargeable battery Provides largest number of scans per charge – easily provides a full day of service in the highest usage profiles; replaceable battery ensures long lifecycle Compatible with 123Scan2 and Remote Scanner Management (RSM) Dramatically reduces management time and cost, from initial configuration to day-to-day management Withstands 100 consecutive drops to concrete Protects against downtime from breakage due to everyday drops Flexible mounting — vertical or horizontal Desktop cradle provides versatility to accommodate your unique environment Bluetooth 2.1 Provides better security, better performance, better energy management and much easier pairing over the Bluetooth wireless connection Backward compatible Works with LS4278 cradles, providing a very cost-effective upgrade path
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Scanner Zebra LS1203

Scanner Zebra LS1203
General Purpose Bar Code Scanner.  This bi-directional LS1203 hand-held scanner handles all 1D bar codes and is ideal for small retailers. It delivers the functionality, features and reliability needed to improve operational efficiencies from the checkout line to the storeroom. It minimises manual key input — ensuring accuracy in all customer transactions — and it automates paper-based inventory processes. The device easily integrates multiple interfaces to help ensure connectivity to a host and PC system. Durable, single-board construction. Meets 5 ft drop tests, significantly reducing downtime and repair costs. Multiple interfaces: RS232, USB, keyboard wedge (KBW) in one scanner. Simplifies installation and integration, ensuring future compatibility. Sleek, lightweight, ergonomic design. Maximises comfort for all-day use. Intuitive scanning and plug-and-play capability. Minimises setup and training time. Choice of triggered or continuous mode. Ensures versatile, accurate first-time scanning.  
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Scanner Zebra MT2070/MT2090

Scanner Zebra MT2070/MT2090
Handheld Mobile Terminals.  Streamline scan-intensive data applications with the MT2000 Series. Combining the simplicity of a scanner with the intelligence of a mobile computer, these handheld mobile terminals provide advanced 1D/2D bar code, DPM and image capture, as well as the ability to key in and view data. 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, corded and batch connectivity options provide the flexibility to meet a wide range of business needs, and the ergonomic yet rugged design offers comfortable, reliable operation throughout your environment. Built on the .Net platform for easy application development, the MT2000 Series also comes pre-loaded with inventory software and an MCL client to facilitate porting of new and legacy applications. Comprehensive connectivity options — including wireless, cordless and corded. 802.11a/b/g for wireless freedom throughout your facility; Bluetooth® for connectivity as far as 300 feet (91.44 m) away from a host device; USB, RS-232 for flexible corded connectivity. Comprehensive data capture options — 1D, 2D, image capture, EAS. Significantly reduces the need to purchase multiple devices to capture different types of data — today and in the future. Superior 1D laser scanning technology. First time rapid capture of even damaged and poor quality 1D bar codes over a large working range — from 1 in./2.54 cm to as far as 50 in./127 cm. A new standard for 2D imaging. Aggressive performance on 1D/2D bar codes plus the ability to capture signatures, photos and video; omnidirectional 1D/2D bar code scanning improves productivity by eliminating the need to align scanner and bar code. Windows CE 5.0 operating system. Easy to scale and highly reliable industry-standard open architecture. Pre-loaded MCL client. Provides the platform independence required to easily connect to new and legacy applications. Forward-scanning pistol grip. Easy-to-grip well-balanced design; reduces fatigue in scan-intensive environments. Rugged design. 6 ft./1.8 m drop specification, IP54 sealing, scratch-resistant tempered glass exit window help ensure reliable operation in spite of everyday drops and exposure to dust and liquids. Compatible with Motorola’s Mobility Services Platform (MSP). Complete centralized management capabilities dramatically reduces the time and cost of day-to-day device management. High resolution high contrast color QVGA display. Easy to view regardless of lighting — from bright sunlight to dimly lit warehouses. 21-key enhanced keypad. Shifted alphanumeric functionality simplifies data entry; soft keys enable design of easy-to-use applications with a highly intuitive interface. Microsoft .NET development environment. Easily develop new and port existing applications. Optional Intellistand. Increases application flexibility by providing a hands-free mode. Multiple indicators: beeper mode, pager mode and LEDs. Provides dependable user feedback in a wide range of environments.  
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Scanner Code CR3600

Scanner Code CR3600
Code reader 3600 is a mobile reader with the best of both worlds. The latest addition to Code’s advanced product line. This sleek, wireless scanner has a color screen and keypad that allows users to manually enter data in real time. The screen provides a mobile solution for users who need instant visibility to scanned information—from detailed inventory applications to event sales and management, the device handles every type of mobile barcode need. CR3600 has the ability to take on more than one workflow operation at a time. A variety of applications can be created and loaded onto the reader and can be accessed with a simple touch of a button.  The CR3600 enables businesses in mobile markets to effectively record work orders, track inventory and invoices, and immediately read data for verifications. This combination of Bluetooth functionality and high-performance barcode reading capabilities makes the CR3600 an advanced barcode reading solution.    
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Scanner Code CR6000

Scanner Code CR6000
Not all barcodes are created equal. Enter the CR6000, an industrial grade direct part mark (DPM) imager designed to scan barcodes of every sort. The CR6000 effortlessly reads laser-etched, embossed, dot peen, low-contrast, and postal barcodes. It easily decodes dense and extremely small barcodes. Designed with multiple illumination fields, the CR6000 intuitively selects the field that is most efficient at reading each barcode type. This results in quick and accurate data collection from hard-to-read surfaces, damaged barcodes, and those that are smudged, dirty, or even caked with debris. Versatile and efficient, the CR6000 is an essential tool for high-traffic manufacturing operations with less-than-ideal environmental factors. With a durable, easy-to-clean plastic housing that protects against dust and dirt, the CR6000 is built to last with unrivaled performance and quality.       
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Scanner Code CR900FD

Scanner Code CR900FD
The CR900FD is an area imaging barcode reader with flexible decoding capabilities. The result? An aggressive barcode reader that out of the box rapidly decodes 1D barcodes and gives users the option of selecting a 2D symbology of their choice. Want to change the selected 2D symbology? Not a problem. The CR900FD can be upgraded intelligently, flexibly and even affordably (think linear scanner price) for users wanting to read a complete suite of 2D symbologies.  The CR900FD thrives in fast-paced environments, and will seamlessly transition from in-stand to out-of-stand reading. For increased efficiency users can select from continuous scan or motion detection barcode reading modes.
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Scanner Code CR1000

Scanner Code CR1000
Weighing in at just 2.4 oz, capable of withstanding multiple drops from 6 feet and able to work at 131o F, the simple and intuitive CR1000 could be the toughest featherweight you’ll ever meet. It quickly and reliably decodes 1D, 2D and Postal barcodes from any surface type. Featuring Code’s Affinity® rapid disconnect cable set, you can count on durable connectivity between reader and host device, with the ability to quickly remove and replace damaged cables. In retail applications, the CR1000 excels in and can be combined with various peripherals for a truly unique point-of-sale solution. From mobile devices like workstations-on-wheels, tablet PCs or environmentally conscious kiosk operators, the CR1000 works on a large scale in a limited workspace.
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Scanner Code CR2300

Scanner Code CR2300
Time is of the essence when it comes to customer satisfaction. The Code ReaderTM 2300 (CR2300) is a reliable, Bluetooth barcode reader designed for use in retail applications—from inventory tracking and age verification to e-forms and mobile coupons and ticketing. Its ease of use and rapid data transmission allow it to securely handle anything that comes its way. The CR2300 is an ideal match with other Bluetooth-enabled devices powered by iOS, Android and Windows operating systems. The versatile interface between applications is seamless, and requires no need for modified or additional software.  A straightforward approach to hardware management makes the CR2300 an intelligent investment in high-caliber performance. This sensible remote management tool is geared toward retailers looking for a practical way to simplify workflow without affecting the budget.   
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Scanner Code CR2600

Scanner Code CR2600
Patented, feature-rich technologies live in a sleek, ergonomic design. If you work in a 24/7, high-traffic environment, you need a reader that does the same, and then some. The CR2600 takes barcode reading to another level. This ultra-fast, durable barcode reader uses an aggressive scan engine to decode all 1D, 2D and Postal barcode symbologies. Its patented dual field optics ensures a seamless transition from reading large to very small barcodes, while its glare- reduction technology means reading barcodes on shiny surfaces is no longer a challenge. Its strength also lies in its sleek, lightweight form factor: The palm version of the CR2600 weighs in at a mere 4.5 oz; the handled configuration, 6.0. With the press of a button the unit’s durable quick-release, rechargeable, battery cartridges accurately measure charge level and display battery life using a 4 LED fuel gauge indicator. And the charging station hosts palm and handled barcode reader configurations and is available with or without an embedded CodeXML® Bluetooth modem.  Applications like a Healthcare, manufacturing, retail, warehouse, scanning highly reflective barcodes     
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Scanner Unitech MS840

Scanner Unitech MS840
Rugged Handheld Laser Scanner.  Ergonomic and Smart Design With its ergonomic, stylish, lightweight enclosure, the MS840 is designed to deliver top-notch performance by optimizing productivity and efficiency. Equipped with a beeper and red/green LED to notify users of scanning status, the MS840 makes reading barcodes in busy working environments easy, and allows users to rest assured that they have captured each and every barcode. Rugged Enough for Industrial Use The MS840 rugged design can withstand multiple 1.8-meter drops to concrete, thus minimizing downtime due to breakage and lowering the total cost of ownership. As one of the strongest scanners in its class, the MS840 has an IP42 rating, safeguarding it from moisture and dust, and is capable of operating in diverse applications including retail,industrial and commercial services. Reliable and Cost Effective The MS840 supports a wide range of connectivity options including USB, RS232 and keyboard wedge. Easy and quick user-friendly cable replacement capability minimizes downtime and reduces the total cost of ownership.   Main features • High-performance laser engine and decoder • Supports all 1D barcodes; including GS1 Data barcode • Ergonomic design for maximum user comfort • Multiple scanning modes • Louder beeper for noisy environment operation • 1.8 meter drop test • IP42-rated
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Scanner Unitech MS840BT

Scanner Unitech MS840BT
Wireless scanning at its best. Searching for the best of the best in scanning devices? The MS840BT has it all! This scanner combines all high quality features which you can find only in separate devices and offers a mind blowing solution for a great price. Choose only the best. Choose MS840BT. High performance The Unitech MS840BT wireless laser scanner is enriched with a high-speed Mantis decoder and a powerful scan engine to optimize data capture efficiency. With 100 scans per second and an operating time of more than 10 hours the MS840BT will last for a complete working day without interruption. Providing different configuration capabilities (USB, RS232 and PS2), creating a connection is convenient with the MS840BT. This scanner also supports HID and SPP protocol, allowing users to connect to a PC, PDA or tablet directly without the need of a cradle. Combine these features with the multi point-to-point function, allowing 3 guns to transmit and secure data to one cradle, and you’ll be convinced it’s a complete and future proof device! Able to withstand multiple 1.8 meter drops to concrete and IP42 sealing against water and dust, the MS840BT can maintain its high performance in any environment. With a wide range of high quality features this wireless scanner is a perfect fit for industries like retail, light warehousing and sales automation.   Flexibility & productivity With the ability to scan up to 100 meters from the base station the MS840BT provides the greatest flexibility and productivity for users. Due to the wireless design users can move without restrictions for real-time data connection, while maintaining comfort over long periods of use. The MS840BT stores data in a buffer mode while it is out of range of the wireless signal, uploading the data when it gets back in range. Ideal for various applications, for instance: dispatching, document tracking and tablet scanning. Endless convenience The MS840BT is easy to operate. With a cradle that can mount to a desk or wall, a long life trigger design and page calling for scanner tracking, the MS840 BT provides endless convenience and ease-of-use. While lowering the overall investment cost you can do more for your business!   Main features • Bluetooth Class 1 (up to 100m) • Pager function • Virtual COM port and Human Interface port (SPP, HID) • Connect directly (without cradle) to tablets, POS, etc. • Memory function when out of range • Charge the scanner without cradle • Wall mount cradle available • One cradle supports up to 3 scanners 
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We know our job and understand your needs. More than 30 years of experience in automatic identification.
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South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
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