Domovská stránkaAktualityFiremní aktualityEngineering Fair in new look

Engineering Fair in new look

Zdroj: www.bvv.cz
Zdroj: www.bvv.cz
Preparations for the next Engineering Fair Brno are in hurry. Come 1.-5.10. 2018 to enjoy 5 days of technological innovations in Brno! This fair will be in the spirit of several anniversaries:
Did you know?
#CeskaRepublika100 Czech Republic celebrates 100 years.
#BVV90 Brno Fair celebrates 90 years.
#MSV60let International Engineering Fair celebrates 60 years.
#EPRINteam Eprin celebrated 25 years.
Follow us for more information. This year we are preparing a number of innovations and new location of our exposition!
Umíme svojí práci a rozumíme Vašim potřebám. Více než 30 let zkušeností v oboru automatické identifikace.
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Evrospká unie
Tento projekt INOVATIVNÍ SYSTÉM SLUŽEB PODPORUJÍCÍCH AUTOMATIZACI je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
Centre trade